Street Update - San Diego County
Anger Management Courses

Francois Portee
Follow The Leader Foundation now offers the community Anger and Stress Management Courses to satisfy either court mandates, or personal growth as an intervention before things get too out of hand. Learning how to manage anger effectively improves your well-being and relationship outcomes.
Order and pay for services using the "Book Now" Button. Once you booked the class then order the book below.


Welcome visitors to your Planting a tree is a simple and rewarding way to help the environment and yourself. Trees provide oxygen, shade, beauty, and many other benefits. They also reduce air pollution, noise pollution, and urban heat island effect. However, planting a tree requires some planning and care. You need to choose the right type of tree, the right location, and the right time of the year.

I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an independent will.
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre
Mental Health Support
You can find support in California through the CalMHSA resources and both
San Diego and Los Angeles Counties
Here are some resources that can get you connected and on the right track with health and mental well-being. These supports target the current issues and best practices in mental health that greatly impact communities right here in San Diego.